What’s On entry form

Use this form to submit the event details to be listed in What’s On. Please note the following:

  • What’s On text entries are for members of Ealing Arts & Leisure. Please see our Join page for membership details, or our Advertising page if you’d like to advertise without joining.

  • The same information is used for both the web and the printed versions of What’s On.

  • The editor will acknowledge receipt as it goes on to the website, so you can check there that the text is correct.

  • You can publicise events on the website up to a year ahead.



More than one event?

If you have more than one event, send a form for each. If you have regular events (say, weekly or fortnightly), list them on a single form. We’ll then show them as a single entry under (e.g. ‘Wednesdays’).

Display until

If you have a regular event and want it to continue to appear on the web and in the printed diary after the next edition, put (e.g.) ‘January 2020’ in this box and check the appropriate box in Day(s) of the week. If you’ve filled in the box, your listing will be kept until the end of the month you’ve put, but if it’s empty your listing will be removed when the next printed Diary goes out of date, or until the last date in your entry if later. You can list events up to a year ahead.

If you don’t want a long-term event listed until its final date, please put a note in the Message to the editor box. E.g., you may have a course which runs from September to December, but don’t want it shown in the December-January What’s On.

Any other questions?

If you have any questions about the form and our Help page doesn't answer them, please contact diary@ealingarts.org.uk or (better) phone 020 8567 4075.


Every member organisation’s name is shown in the back of the printed Diary, and every member can also have 7 lines in each printed edition free. Extra lines cost £2 each. This means that whatever you send will get printed, but it could get expensive if you write a lot. We can’t promise a particular format or have different versions for the web and printed Diaries, but we won’t waste space; the aim is to cover printing costs, not to make money out of you. Invoices for extra lines are averaged over three issues, so you can have up to 18 extra lines in each six-month period.