Culture & Learning
Culture & Learning
Friends of Marcq-en-Baroeul
The Friends of Marcq is a local group promoting friendship and activities between Ealing and Marcq-en-Baroeul, which is close to Lille, so easily accessible. Knowledge of French is not necessary for many of the organised events. We offer exchange visits to France for language and cultural weekends. There are also French classes at various levels, and a variety of activities throughout the year in Ealing.
Enquiries: 07887 877630 • 020 8568 6159 • •
Facebook: Les Amis d’Ealing/Friends of Marcq •
Vitality Leap - Fireside Lodge Saturday & Sunday, 15-16 March
Reiki 1 Course
Reiki is an ancient Japanese meditation and healing method. It offers physical, mental and emotional benefits, such as more balance, stress release and mindfulness. In this course, you receive the level 1 attunement, and learn how to use Reiki for yourself and your family or friends.
Saturday 10am-5.30pm, Sunday 1.30-6pm. Fireside Lodge, Hanwell
07766 464623 (Andrea) • •
Regular & Continuing events
Ealing Readers Mondays
We are an informal book group, and we welcome new members. We read and discuss a wide variety of books, with the majority being contemporary fiction. Once a year we read a play, followed by a theatre visit.
Castle Inn, 36 St Mary’s Road, W5 5EU. Please enquire for meeting time.
Hazel Williams:
Ealing Over 60 Network (EON) Mondays
We offer a regular, varied programme every Monday except Bank Holidays: social gatherings, discussions, talks by outside speakers, quizzes, films, art/craft sessions, music, poetry appreciation, etc. Disabled-friendly venue near Ealing Broadway station. Free car park.
1.30 for 2pm. Ealing Quaker Meeting House, 17 Woodville Road W5 2SE
Optional door donation up to £5 to cover room hire, etc.
020 8810 6753 •
Historical Association: Ealing Branch Tuesdays
Our talks are open to everyone who is interested in history – world, national and local – and its relevance to our own times. We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Please see our website for up-to-date details and access to meetings.
11 March: Emeritus Professor James Manor, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London – The Debatable Resilience of Nehru’s Liberal Democracy in India
8 April: A Rich Man’s War and a Poor Man’s Fight? Revisiting Class in the Confederacy During the U.S. Civil War by Dr Patrick Doyle
13 May: What can you learn from a cookbook (other than how to cook)? by Professor Rebecca Earle
7.30-9pm. Ealing Green Church, The Green, W5 5QT
Free for Historical Association members and students. Visitors £5.
Enquiries: 07950 137970 • •
Rainbow Poetry Group Tuesdays
If you enjoy poetry on a wide range of subjects, we invite you to our informal monthly meetings (on the second Tuesday). We bring, read and discuss published poems, with a specific theme each month. Next meetings: 11 March (Fleur Adcock and Janet Frame), 8 April (Springtime), 13 May (Imtiaz Dharker & Daljit Nagra).
2.30pm. Hanwell Community Library, Cherington Road, W7 3HL
Enquiries: 020 8567 4397 •
Ealing Yoga, Meditation & Philosophy Centre Wednesdays & Thursdays
MEDITATION and philosophy
This is a mixed-level class, suitable for those who have experience of meditation practice, and those who wish to learn how to meditate.
6-7.30pm Wednesdays 8 January - 2 April 2025 (no class on 19 February)
Payment in advance (half or whole term) £12 per session; drop-ins £13 per session.
Meditation and Philosophy
How to relax, breathe and meditate, focus your mind, and rest in a place of stillness. Meditation is an inward journey and a process to calm mental chatter and manage the stress of everyday life. Some experience of meditation is desirable. Details on our website.
8-9.30pm Thursdays 9 January - 3 April 2025 (no class on 20 February)
£144 for full course or £72 either half (£120 or £60 for members) or £13 drop-in
All of the above at Ealing Quaker Meeting House, 17 Woodville Road, Ealing, W5 2SE
07918 622995 • •
Facebook: Ealing Yoga Meditation & Philosophy Centre
Ealing u3a Thursdays & other days
U3A is an organisation for those retired or no longer in full-time work. Members organise activities for each other. U3A offers the opportunity for those with a thirst for knowledge and learning to continue their educational, creative and social interests in a friendly, encouraging atmosphere. Talks programme, visits and 55 interest groups meeting in venues around Ealing.
Talks: most Thursdays 10am. Ealing Green Church, W5 5QT
Visitors £3
07504 667005 • •